Saturday, July 2, 2016

Review: Pro Clipper Trimmer Set

I thought it would be a good idea to learn to cut my hair myself. I am tired of going to salons and requesting a nice haircut and ending up fixing it myself when I get home. I don't know why, but they always end up leaving my hair uneven. Just because it is wavy doesn't mean leave it sloppy!

I had seen that other people cut their own hair, and it looked fine, so I thought I could do it, too. Why not? I hoped for the best and ordered this trimmer set. There are 2 separate pieces. One piece is a larger clip that is used to trim the back of the hair. The other, smaller piece, is used to trim the bangs. Currently, my hair is at shoulder length. As I adjusted the trimmer on my hair, I felt that the clasp was weak. It felt loose on my hair. I then checked the mirror and noticed that the clip was crooked and sliding to one side. Either I don't have enough hair, my hair is too thin, the trimmer is too big for my hair, or all the above. I say all the above. The trimmer could not stay on. I gave up on trimming my hair. This really saddened me, because I was so excited to give this a try and failed.

I moved on to the small trimmer. I separated the bangs that needed trimming and aimed to adjust it quite adequately to cover the length of my forehead. This trimmer was really hard to open. I felt that it was going to break. I managed to open it, but now I needed to snap it into place to make sure it grabbed my bangs appropriately.  This was too hard. It just wasn't moving anywhere. Now I was running the risk of having really messed-up bangs. I held the trimmer guide so tight that it finally snapped on. I was going to worry about removing the clip later. Right now, I just wanted to trim my bangs! I started clipping my hair from the bottom of the guide. It was not as easy as it looked. Even though the guide was tight, I wasn't able to get a good cut. My hair was still too loose, but I still cut the bangs and tried to even them as much as I could.  In the end, my bangs didn't look that bad; however, I couldn't get a straight cut.

I would say this trimmer set would work much better on someone with thicker, fuller hair. Meanwhile, hopefully one of my nieces would let me trim their hair with this and see if it really works or not. I am not sure they will let me, though. As of now, I wish for better results.

You can buy this on Amazon.

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